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Your Light Shines Brighter When It Shines For Two

We all have talents and skills - things that will greatly benefit the world around us, but we don't always share them with others. We all have the capability to be a light - something that brings hope to the darkness. Maybe your light is your humour or the songs you write. Others may be very social or good at encouraging others. We all have something to give, even our own unique perspective can be a light in the darkness.

What is so sad is that many people choose to dim or hide their lights. They may do so out of fear or self-depreciation. Today I want to encourage you to keep shinning your light and to never tire of doing good. Know that not everyone will appreciate or see your gift but live with the hope and knowledge that you are chasing out the darkness with your light.

For me these blog posts are my own light, I hope to encourage and relate with others through the words I write. Though things look gloomy now I know that they'll get better. So until then, I'll just keep shinning my light on those around me. Although it's tough, I know that my light shines brighter when it shines for two - meaning your gifts are stronger when you choose not to be selfish with them.

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