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Essential Healing

Good morning guys, something funny happened today. So I was sitting on my bed staring into space and I caught sight of my moisturiser on my table - Vaseline Intensive care 'Essential Healing'.

I internally chuckled because that very phrase 'Essential healing' seemed to sum up this whole season of my life rather swiftly. I was healing and this healing was very essential.

Essential means absolutely necessary, a thing of importance. If something is essential then that something HAS to happen, no ifs or buts about it. For many of us our own healing journeys are essential, they must happen, yet because they are often painful, requiring us to address rather sensitive areas of ourselves, we try to delay the process. What I have found in regards to essential healing is that you can kick and fight it off as much as you want but the healing will happen. We don't get a say in whether the process occurs but we do get a say in how long we battle with it.

For example, being in community highlights my character flaws, the revelation of these flaws kickstart the process of healing. But if I repetitively choose to deny their existence then I repetitively delay the completion of this healing. I could live my whole life denying these flaws and therefore delaying the essential process. Many of us are healing already yet we're just not seeing the results because we can't be honest with ourselves.

Honesty is painful and often admitting that you are in need of healing will bruise your pride and kick you ego but you will be better for it. Some healing journeys are strengthened through community, others are battled alone, sometimes its difficult to decipher when you need someone to walk with you and when you need to walk yourself through the journey alone.

All I know in this rather tricky yet oddly peaceful season of my life is that my healing is essential, and though I fight it day and night it's still happening, and even if I attempt to delay it, it will still happen. I can either choose to co-operate now out of my own free will or suffer later after my problems become too big to ignore.

I just want you all to know that even if you feel alone on this journey you are not. A lot of us can understand, after all, healing is essential. Many of us are healing too

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