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Servitude & Leadership

Have you listened to my most recent podcast episode Serve and Lead - Do Not Run Away ?

If not, make sure you check it out, its one of my realest, most honest and informative episodes yet. There's a lot of wisdom in it and I believe we can all learn a lot from the truths of leadership. Leadership is just a greater degree of servitude, leaders are called to serve those they lead over. They serve with their guidance, their knowledge, and their authority. Leaders are called leader because they assist others - they lead them.

I want us to take a look at our own lives and see the ways in which we've been called to serve others. Servitude isn't always some great display of love, most of us can serve in the smallest of ways. Think of your neighbour who is in need of some company, or your cousin who is struggling with their identity. Or a family member who is battling grief - something you have gone through too. Our experiences make us better equipped to serve others, our pain gives us capacity for empathy. Serving is others is what we are meant to do, it's how we grow.

I know being a leader or serving others can be daunting. Many of us run away from the pressures of authority, or like me, the burdens of guidance. Guiding others can feel like a burden because it requires you to take some level of responsibility for the wellbeing and progress of others. It requires dedication, commitment, and intentionality - something not all of us are ready to give. The fear of messing up and hurting others can prevent us from stepping into the positions of leadership meant for us. Let go of your fear and step into a position of guidance within someone else's life. Community grows through servitude, we are meant to build others up, to be generous with our time and wisdom. We should work towards healing years of hurt by offering up our service.

So today think of who you can be there for.

Stop running away from what you are equipped to do.

You don't know yet how many lives you will touch. You don't know how many people need you.

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