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Life Sucks!

What is life without disappointments?

Well, its definitely not life. Throughout our days, months, and years on this Earth we will encounter setbacks and disappointments. We will likely experience sorrow and pain just as we are likely to experience joy and love. This is the balance of life, we are never promised a smooth walk to the end of our days. All long journeys consist of difficulties, our job is to handle them well and where we can, to learn from them.

I have had to come to terms with the fact that I will go through times where life really sucks. This is completely normal. The standard for living isn't comprised of unshakeable happiness and comfort. In fact, we have to be uncomfortable if we want to grow. Its not about faking your happiness, it's about embracing life's difficulties with a perspective that allows you to incorporate these challenges into your happiness - to decide not to let the shortcomings of life intrude on your temperament. I am learning to be content, to know that the words of others do not have to break me down, yes they may hurt me, and yes for a moment I am unhappy and uncomfortable, but I understand that I was never promised perpetual happiness, I must learn how to sustain my peace in the midst of this pain. I must train my heart.

You will grow when you are uncomfortable. You will get stronger when people betray you or leave you, when you experience hardships you never saw coming. The greatest characters are refined by the tests of struggles. I am assured and confident in myself because I know what my heart, mind, and body has been through. The fact that I am still here today, unbroken but not without scars, is testament to the fact that I am ready to achieve all I set my mind to. I am a person who loves to talk of times and seasons. There will be seasons of difficulty in our lives, but we should learn how to endure the struggle and appreciate its ability to develop us. During a season of my life where I was struggling with thoughts of hopelessness and redundancy of purpose I found it so hard to get on with my day, in these times I was able to ground myself in my faith and my dependence on God. Without this pain I wouldn't know where I placed my all. It took people drawing away from me for me to learn how to be there for myself. My pain was not fun but it was essential in my development. Even now I find my patience and character being tested by stresses and conflicts around me - life sucks but the discomfort of growth is essential for change.

In the midst of my conflicts I still find peace and happiness - or as I would call it - joy. Around me so many beautiful things are happening and it would be foolish of me to ignore them.

Essentially there are two sides to this reality.

One: life sucks but we were never promised a perfect life, often times we are looking at our situation negatively with eyes of discontentment and false ideals of happiness. Be realistic and understand that yes life is hard but life it is also pretty good too. There's always something to be grateful for.

Two: Life sucks in order to make us grow, don't walk out of a season of pressure defeated, try and learn something new. Let the pressure teach you to grow.

Remember these are seasons, if you are working towards change and if you are growing, life won't suck forever. You won't be afraid forever if you are practicing courage, neither will you be lonely forever if you are developing your own emotions and character whilst also pursuing beneficial relationships. Sit through the season of pain and don't leave it empty handed. Life is the greatest coach.

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