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Hard Truths

The truth is by no means easy to swallow even if its desirable. Acknowledging the truth comes at the cost of disregarding ignorance, and as we all know ignorance is bliss.

We need people around us who are willing to tell us the truth even when its tough. Nowadays in fear of offending people we withhold valuable information that could be essential in their growth. True love is not without correction, and true correction is not without love. Critiquing others without love is condemnation and it is condemnation that leads to shame and division. The truth is not divisive in itself, it is how we relay that truth that shapes its reception.

In my own life I have been able to distinguish between those who really wish the best for me and those who just enjoy my company. Those who genuinely want to see me grow are those who are able to tell me the truth. They can point out my attitude, my horrible outfits (and more times that I'd like to admit, that sweat patches under my armpits and the strong smell of perspiration). These people do not tell me the truth in an attempt to bring me down, they do so to build me up. My mother used to always remind me that if people weren't saying it to my face they were likely saying it behind my back - I found this to be true more times than I'm comfortable with. Compassion and love envelops truth in a way that waters down offense. I would be lying if I said everyone anticipated and was grateful for the truth, some people genuinely feel disrespected by it. It takes great courage to accept a harsh truth and great humility to work with a desirable one. Nowadays I seek out the truth from those close to me, I look forward to the guidance and assurance it brings. Truth is good but it needs to come from the right people. I don't expect to receive impactful honesty and criticism from those who know nothing about me. Feedback is good but it is also hierarchical. My family's input in relation to identity and cultural issues outweigh that of my teachers. Whereas my supervisor's comments on my project outweigh those of my friends who are not specialists in the field. Be wise with who you accept truth from, some people have no business giving you advice. If you want to grow in character, your job, and your relationships you need to be aware of your soft spots. Self-reflection only takes you so far. You can't see everything yourself.

So embrace truth and watch your life mold into shape.

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