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The Strength of the Journey

In life there is always a destination that we are heading towards, and the journey to this destination gives us the time and space to grow. We discover ourselves here, we shape our identity, and we become the person fit for the position we strive towards. The journey, when understood properly, is a beautiful place. The more receptive you are to the ways you are growing, the more appreciative you become. The journey makes us strong, and there is power in travelling through life with direction and purpose.

Sometimes you're not yet ready for the things you desire

The journey is the place to evaluate your character, you may not always be able to sustain the thing you desire. Fame could isolate you, indulge your arrogance, and even your insecurity. Money could reshape your priorities or ruin your relationships. It's a painful thing to watch people lose themselves in their success, before we actualise our dreams let us develop the character needed to sustain them. That way we can enjoy our success responsibly and not let it destroy us. Embrace the way the wait changes you, being denied your desires causes you to evaluate why you desire them. It helps you learn how to live without them, to be content, and therefore never to place all your security in them. Prestige, Money, Fame - none of these things can make you whole.

On the journey to the destination, consider who you are and who you want to be

We are shaped by our life experiences, the things we go through reveal hidden parts of our character, parts to be appreciated, and sometimes improved. The journey is for improvement, it causes us to assess who we are, and whether who we are is ready and fit for where we want to go. The journey is a place of self-awareness and honesty. A place where we can make mistakes with less consequences because we haven’t reached the place where we know more will be expected of us.

Being denied the things you desire can instill in you a motivation to change

Hard work is a requirement for growth. You need to put in the effort to achieve results. The reality of our situation – our unsuitability for a position we desire, or an acknowledgement of our need for improvement - can be the driving force for positive change. The reason why we haven’t yet achieved what we want may reveal something about why we are not moving forward. Our current situation can often be telling of who we are.

Not every opportunity that comes your way needs to be taken, there is power in saying no

“No” is powerful. When we know who we are and where we are going it makes us more responsible with our time. We aren’t as quick to agree to every opportunity that comes our way. Not all offers are beneficial for our specific goals, and time is not an infinite resource we can share around without remorse. Saying no to others is saying yes to your goals and desires. Learn to put yourself first, to value your journey. There’s nothing wrong with being honest.

The journey is a place to be appreciated, there is purpose in every step you make, and every experience is bringing you closer towards the person you want to be. Learn to love the wait, and marvel at the wonder you are becoming.

Have a lovely Week,

Washday Talks

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