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The Expect Effect

The expect effect is where your expectations for something lead you into preparing for them. If you have been keeping up with Washday Talks for a while now, on the blog, podcast, and YouTube, you will know that the season of preparation is an area I've been talking on for quite some time now. The season of preparation is a time period where we acquire things (like skills), lose things (like bad character) and endure things (which develop in us new skills and stronger character), in order to learn what we need to learn for our next season. Ideally the season of preparation should arouse within us expectations for the future and the things we hope to achieve with the skills we have learned and the character we've developed, our expectations should then lead us to prepare.

It would be a shame if you were denied a great opportunity not because you weren't qualified but rather because you had not prepared. A lot of us have big dreams and ideas yet are reluctant in actualising them because we have found excuses like 'I don't have the time or money' or 'people would laugh at me'. As of now my blog and YouTube are far from 'popular' yet my expectation that Washday Talks will impact nations motivates me to continue to provide content. My expectations cause me to prepare for the great influx of people who will watch my content. My expectations do not allow me to be deterred by current setbacks or disappointments, my dreams of what the future will be are what motivate me to continue on this journey.

What vision do you have for yourself? And how are you working to achieving this vision? Start now, don't wait for the people or money, prepare what you can and trust that when the time is right the rest will come. Commit yourself constantly to the development of your dreams and you will see that the resources and people will come. Preparation takes faith that great things are going to happen. I am so confident in the reach my movement will cover that I create content consistently for the millions who will tune in. People will call my success a miracle, but me and you know that it was a product of preparation. Because I expected it I prepared and because I prepared it came.

How can you prepare for your dreams today? Follow me on Instagram @washdaytalks and send me a photo of your preparation.

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