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Let It Go - A Series

'Let it Go'

I was seeing this everywhere, in my music, in the books I read, and in conversations with others. In the moment I thought it was a sign to let go of people and my relationships with them. At this time in my life I was hurting and fed up, there was a lot of pressure, stress, and uncertainty. I was tired of holding on to anything that required effort. I was ready to let go. So I did, and it was complete chaos.

So many arguments and tears, near missed deadlines and chilling loneliness. In these days of self-imposed solitude I was able to reflect deeper on my mistakes. I needed to understand that people weren't always the problem, that sometimes the remedy lay within me. It wasn't the people I needed to let go of, it was the emotion. The shame that accompanied vulnerability - let go. The anger, the offense, the pain and the jealousy. Let it go. Pride - let go, hyper-independence - let go.

Letting go had to be an internal process and as I began to free myself of the constraints and burdens of emotional baggage a new sense of freedom came over me. I was lighter and my eyes were opened to all the beauty surrounding me. People became easier to love and hurt easier to bear. It was like I was looking at the world through tinted glasses, and now that I had taken them off everything was much clearer.

Letting go could be a massive step in your journey of healing so ask yourself 'What do I need to let go of?'

And then just do it

Just Let it go

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